
AQUAEL – ZEOMAX PLUS FILTER MEDIA – 1 LITER This product is currently not in stock, but it may be available from our distributor within a few days. Once you place your order, we will notify you promptly about the expected availability. For immediate assistance or more information, please feel free to email us directly at HELLO@NATUREAQUARIUMS.COM.

ZeoMAX Plus

Zeolites are minerals made mainly of aluminum oxides and silicon oxides, which form loose constructions with numerous channels and chambers. ZEOMAX PLUS is a natural zeolite that is used for chemical filtration of water. It has the form of a gravel made of carefully selected zeolite providing a very large sorption capacity. These spaces can freely fill the water moving inside, which contains various ions. As a result, ZEOMAX PLUS has huge sorption capacity: it absorbs and binds various types of chemical impurities – nitrogen compounds and heavy metals and other substances hazardous to fish.

What is ZeoMAX Plus? 
ZeoMAX Plus is a unique filter cartridge designed for chemical water filtration in freshwater aquariums, paludariums, aquaterrariums and terrarium pools. It has the form of a gravel made of carefully selected zeolite, which provides a very large sorption capacity.

How does ZeoMAX Plus work? 
The specially prepared zeolite used for the production of ZeoMAX Plus has excellent sorption properties. As a result, it absorbs toxic nitrogen compounds dissolved in it. It captures ammonia from water, and also binds and neutralizes nitrite and nitrate ions dissolved in it. It protects fish against harmful nitrogen substances and allows limiting the size and frequency of water changes.

Where and when does ZeoMAX Plus work? 
ZeoMAX Plus is ideally suited as a filter bed in canister filters, overflow filters, internal filters with chambers for loose media (eg TURBOFILTER), as well as in sumps and filter chimneys. It is recommended for all types of ornamental freshwater aquariums.

How should I use ZeoMAX Plus? 
ZeoMAX Plus is immediately ready for use and does not require rinsing or any other additional activities. The contents of the packaging should be poured into the filter basket or the filtration chamber. In order to ensure optimal results of application, it is recommended to place the ZeoMAX Plus cartridge behind the mechanical filtration inserts and behind the biological filtration cartridges.

 ZeoMAX Plus is recommended for AQUAEL filters: UNIMAX, MIDIKANI 800, MINIKANI 80, MINIKANI 120, ASAP and VERSAMAX. A single pack of ZeoMAX Plus – 1 l is recommended for aquariums with a capacity of 150 – 250 l.

How long does ZeoMAX Plus work? 
The operation of the ZeoMAX Plus cartridge (sorption) causes it to gradually fill and wear. In order to maintain optimal filtration properties, it should be replaced at least every 4 weeks.