New Corals Frags Have Arrived 🐟

 We're excited to announce that we are carrying corals again.

As we expand our coral section, we have brought in some beautiful, healthy corals to compliment your reef scape.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced hobbyist, we will guide you using the latest aquarium techniques to create a healthy aquatic system. 

 This week we have fresh shipments of Corals, Marine and Freshwater Fish and Inverts.

In addition, we have a limited supply of XXXL large wood pieces and stumps for your larger aquariums.

 Thank you for being part of the Nature Aquariums community. Dive into a world of beauty and serenity with our freshly stocked fish and plants!

Thank you!

The Nature Aquariums Team  🌿 


ECC PPE Blastomussa Merletti Frag
Purple Passion Favia Frag
ECC Electric Eyes Favia Frag
ECC Falcon Favia Frag
ECC Slightly Sinister Favia Frag
ECC Hypo Tango Favia Frag
ECC Ring of Fire Favites Frag
ECC Mystique Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Skid Row Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Red People Eater Palythoa Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Blow Pops Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Radioactive Dragon Eye Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Pikachu Zoa Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Rasta Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Snitch Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
TSA Circus Freaks Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Blueberry Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Shatterfield Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Fruitopia Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Plasma Cutter Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC King Midas Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Pink & Gold Palythoa Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Laser Lemon Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Wolverine Favia Frag
UC Flame Boy Favia Frag
Jason Fox Glow Stick Favia Frag
ECC Starburst Galaxea Frag
ECC Wave Blaster Pipe Organ Frag
WWC Waving Hand Anthelia XL Frag (On 2-2.5" Real Reef Disc)
TSA Lemon Laser Clove Polyp Frag
ECC Cookies & Cream Cauliflower Coral Big Frag
ECC Pulsing Xenia XL Frag (On 2-2.5" Real Reef Disc)
ECC True Blue Xenia Big Frag
ECC Pandora Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
ECC Eagle Eye 2.0 Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
LC Antimatter Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)
Tidal Gardens C-137 Zoanthid Frag (4+ Polyp Average)

Marine Fish

Basslets: Chalk :: East Americas
Butterflies: Three Band Pennant :: Central Pacific
Gobies: Watchman, True Yellow :: Eastern Asia
Gobies: Green Band :: East Americas
Gobies: Hector’s Goby :: Eastern Asia
Gobies: Firefish :: Eastern Asia
Gobies: Aquaculture Yashia W/ Red Banded Pistol (Wild)
Gobies: Hi Fin, Red Banded :: Eastern Asia
Gobies Aquacultured: Neon Gold :: East Americas
Gobies Aquacultured: Yashia :: East Americas

Marine Invertebrates

Crabs: Emerald :: East Americas
Crabs, Hermit: Yellow Tip, Assorted :: Eastern Asia
Shell, Snails: Margarite, Green Spiral :: West Americas
Shell, Snails: Turbo :: West Americas
Shrimps: Red Banded Pistol :: Eastern Asia
Shrimps: Tiger Pistol :: Eastern Asia
Shrimps: Blood / Fire :: Eastern Asia
Urchins: Pincushion, Blue Tuxedo :: Eastern Asia

Freshwater Fish

Marble Hatchet :: Brazil (Large)
Unifasciatus Pencil (Large)
Oryzias Latipes Medaka Blue (Medium)
Pike Cichlid Regani (Medium)
Albino Threadfin Acara (1.75 inch)
Green Terror (3.5-4 inch)
Mixed Angel (Extra Large)
Black Angel (Small/Medium)
Panda Angel (Small/Medium)
Golden Nugget Pleco L18 (Medium)
Zebra Banded Pleco L134 (Medium)
Rubberlip Pleco L146 (Medium)
Golden Blue Eye Ancistrus (2 inch)
Otocinclus :: Brazil (Large)
Corydoras Sterbai (Small/Medium)
Ivantsoff's Blue Eye Rainbow (Medium)
Platinum Green Tiger Barb (Medium)
Opaline Gourami (2 inch)
Guppy Female Mix (Medium/Large)
Guppy Male Flame (Medium/Large)
Guppy Male Yellow Tuxedo (Medium/Large)
Guppy Male Blue Spottedtail (Medium/Large)
Guppy Male Snakeskin Lemon (Medium/Large)
Platy Mix (Medium)