Nature Aquariums Lauderhill: Premier Aquarium & Terrarium Plants, Supplies, and CO2 Services

Welcome to Nature Aquariums – Your Premier Destination for Aquarium and Terrarium Plants in Lauderhill, Florida!

Why Choose Nature Aquariums for Your Aquatic and Terrarium Plants?

  1. Expertly Curated Plant Selections At Nature Aquariums, we offer a comprehensive selection of both aquatic and terrarium plants, meticulously chosen to ensure diversity and quality. Whether you are setting up a new tank or enhancing an existing one, our plants cater to every aquascaper's needs.

  2. Dedicated to Plant Health Each plant undergoes careful selection and acclimation processes to ensure robust health and longevity. Our aquatic plants are grown in optimal conditions to maintain their vitality and aesthetic appeal.

  3. Support and Education Our knowledgeable staff are here to provide expert advice on plant care, helping you make the best choices for your specific setup. We also offer workshops and detailed care guides that cover everything from basic plant maintenance to advanced aquascaping techniques.

  4. Wide Range of Rare and Common Species We pride ourselves on stocking a wide range of plant species, from common favorites to rare finds. This diversity ensures that hobbyists of all levels can find something special for their aquarium or terrarium.

  5. Sustainable and Ethical Practices We are committed to sustainability, sourcing our plants from trusted growers who use ethical cultivation methods. This approach not only supports the environment but also ensures the highest quality and health of our plants.

  6. Tissue Culture Plants We offer a variety of tissue culture plants, which are grown in sterile conditions free from pests, algae, and pathogens. This method ensures that you receive the healthiest, most robust plants to establish in your aquarium quickly. Tissue culture plants are ideal for creating dense, lush landscapes without the risk of introducing unwanted elements into your ecosystem.

  7. Comprehensive Aquascaping Supplies Nature Aquariums provides an extensive selection of aquascaping supplies to enhance the beauty and functionality of your setups. We carry a full range of aquarium fertilizers from leading brands like APT2HR Aquarist, Seachem, and Aquarium Co-op. Our store boasts the largest selection of hardscape materials, aquarium soils, sands, and gravels from Ultum Nature Systems, ensuring you have access to top-quality substrates for any project.

  8. Advanced CO2 Systems and Refills To support plant growth and vibrancy, we offer a complete line of CO2 equipment and accessories. We also provide CO2 tank refills using food-grade CO2, which is crucial for maintaining the health of your fish while fostering optimal plant growth.

Visit Us or Shop Online Today! Explore our extensive selection of aquatic and terrarium plants, along with our unmatched range of aquascaping supplies, at our Lauderhill store or visit us online at Discover the perfect plants and tools to transform your aquarium or terrarium into a thriving, lush ecosystem.

Aquatic Plants Major Groups:

  • Anubias
    • Hardy and low-light plants, ideal for beginners and excellent for shaded areas of the aquarium.
  • Cryptocoryne
    • Diverse in color and size, these plants thrive in varied conditions and are known for their unique leaf shapes.
  • Echinodorus
    • Commonly known as sword plants, suitable for background planting due to their larger size.
  • Mosses
    • Including Java Moss and Christmas Moss, perfect for creating lush green carpets and enhancing biofiltration.
  • Ferns
    • Such as Java Fern and Water Sprite, these plants attach to rocks and wood, requiring minimal substrate.
  • Hygrophila
    • Fast-growing and often used for background areas, providing a rich green backdrop.
  • Ludwigia
    • Popular for its color variations, from deep greens to vibrant reds, adding contrast to any aquascape.
  • Rotala
    • Characterized by its slender leaves and dense growth, ideal for midground to background placements.
  • Bacopa
    • Known for its ease of care and bright green leaves, often used as a background plant.
  • Carpeting Plants
    • Such as Dwarf Baby Tears or Monte Carlo, creating a lush foreground.
  • Vallisneria
    • Ribbon-like leaves that can grow quite tall, perfect for background areas.
  • Floating Plants
    • Including Duckweed and Water Lettuce, these help control nitrates and provide shade.
  • Aponogeton
    • Unique bulb plants with decorative and fast-growing leaves.
  • Bucephalandra
    • Slow-growing and suitable for shaded areas, available in various colors and leaf shapes.
  • Pogostemon
    • Including Pogostemon Helferi or "Downoi", known for its distinctive star-shaped arrangement.
  • Limnophila
    • Aquatic stem plants, easy to care for and great for beginners.
  • Alternanthera
    • Known for their vivid color, particularly red, adding brightness to any tank.
  • Cabomba
    • Fanwort plants that provide excellent cover for fish and invertebrates.
  • Pennywort
    • Versatile and can be used floating or planted, known for its rounded leaves.
  • Utricularia
    • Aquatic bladderworts, carnivorous plants that can add an unusual element to tanks.

Terrarium Plants Overview:

  • Fittonia
    • Commonly known as nerve plant, perfect for terrariums due to its low growth and vibrant leaf patterns.
  • Episcia
    • Also known as flame violets, featuring fuzzy leaves and colorful blooms, suitable for humid terrariums.
  • Selaginella
    • Known as spike moss, provides a lush, ancient forest look to any terrarium with minimal light requirements.
  • Hemigraphis
    • Sometimes called purple waffle plant, it adds a splash of color with its textured, colorful leaves.