Low stock - 3 in stock, ready to ship

PLEASE NOTE: This is for small aquatic creatures. Big fish need faster filter throughput.

 Poth-O-Carry® is pleased to bring to you this fun project. I've always been a fan of pre-filters. Not just to minimize disturbing my biological media, but also as a means of better protecting my smaller creatures in my tanks - shrimp, fry, etc.

When I picked up my fancy Fluval FX 6, I quickly realized my shrimp disappeared! I had to do something. The FX series is a hungry beast, pulling many of gallons per hour through it's canister. The dual course sponges on this pre-filter help spread out the intake demands to thousands of smaller holes, that shrimp and fry can safely avoid. Not only that, but they are TOP LOADED, so tank maintenance is a lot easier! To clean your pre filter sponges, turn off your canister filter, twist and pull off the sponge, and squeeze out in an outside bucket of either tank water, RO, or de-chlorinated water. Please be sure no chlorine is present, as it will kill the scores of beneficial bacteria that are now also growing on your sponges.