Algone Corporation Water Clarifier and Nitrate Remover

Low stock - 3 in stock, ready to ship
ALGONE Water Clarifier and Nitrate Remover A lgone addresses issues most commonly associated with deteriorating water quality and accumulating waste, pollutants, and toxins. High pollutants cause stress on the tanks inhabitants, weakens their immune system and ultimately makes fish vulnerable toward diseases. Pollutants are also the primary cause of deterioration of the tanks appearance. Delicate reef and saltwater aquariums are also severely threatened bu degrading conditions. While the accumulation of waste is inevitable in freshwaterm reef and saltwater aquariums alike, detrimental consequences are preventable. Nitrogen fixating microorganisms incorporate nitrogen into the cellular mass, while bioactive enzymes assimilate nitrogen from the water column. Algone is a non-toxic, chemical free aquarium water purifier, an essential part of maintaining a healthy aquatic environment for healthy fish. Enzymes break down protein, carbohydrates and metabolic waste into insoluble complex structures. Placement in any type of filter system is no problem. Simple drop-in-filter application. Use to correct nutrient imbalances & to clear cloudy water. Also use for preventive maintenance. Trace elements are protected from early precipitation increasing the bio availability for plants, corals, and other organisms. Algone does not contain chemicals and is safe to use in all aquatic environments. Product Features: Clears cloudy water and removes nitrates Prevents many common problems related to poor water quality Simple drop-in filter application, works with any filter type Use as problem solver and for preventative maintenance Non-toxic, 100% chemical-free and highly effective Naturally produces crystal clear water Sizes: Small Single Pack - for aquariums 1-125 gallons Large Single Pack - for aquariums 125 gallons and up