Indian Almond Leaves & Catappa Leaves (Small)

Low stock - 4 in stock, ready to ship

Indian Almond Catappa Leaves (Terminalia catappa) are great for aquariums of smaller size, their beneficial health and aquarium properties are just the same as the large ones we offer. The scientific literature shows that Indian Almond Leaves can help reduce the risk of many mild infections while improving the immune system of fish. From an ecological perspective, they also create a fantastic surface for algae eaters, snails, and shrimp to pick at as supplemental nutrition. They release many beneficial compounds in addition to tannins, which mimic our fish's natural environment. This bag and its contents are biodegradable! Did you know our product packaging is made from renewable and sustainable sugarcane? So just like the botanicals inside, it will compost when returned to nature.

Not for Human Consumption. Preparation Required.

Quantities: 20c small Indian Almond Leaves & Catappa Leaves. Sizes range from 3" to -6" aquarium leaves. This is a natural product, and variation between leaves and botanicals is expected.