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Pre Filter Sponge

Low stock - 1 available
  • Increases Filter Capacity
  • Prevents Small Fish and Debris from Getting Sucked Up
  • Uses Coarse Foam to Extend Time Between Cleaning

The pre-filter or intake sponge is a simple foam cylinder that is designed to slip over the intake tube of hang-on-back (HOB) and canister filters. The filter intake tube often has large openings that allow sizable objects to get sucked up by the filter, potentially ruining the motor, so use a pre-filter sponge to help prevent baby fish, dwarf shrimp, little snails, plant leaves, fish food, and other debris from entering the filter. (depending on filters suction, and size of animal, tiny fry/shrimp/snails can still get through in some cases)

An intake sponge also provides valuable surface area to grow beneficial bacteria, which purify waste chemicals in the water and make it safe for your fish to live in. Finally, it adds mechanical filtration that extends the life and efficiency of your filter media.

Find out which sponge size to get and how to properly fit it to your filter by  viewing the sizing chart and video below. (Click the "Show More" button to expand the Directions/Specifications section.)