Mysis Feast 6oz


Mysis-Feast® is refrigerated, concentrated freshwater Mysis diluviana (aka Mysis relicta) shrimp (7 – 25mm) harvested by Piscine Energetics® from pristine cold lakes fed by mountain glaciers. These Mysis feed on phytoplankton resulting in a balanced nutritional profile high in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Fish and Corals Love Them!

Mysis-Feast elicits a strong feeding response and is an outstanding feed for fish, corals and other invertebrates. Due to its low salt content, it is an excellent feed for freshwater fish and invertebrates as well.

Save Time and Eliminate Waste

With Mysis-Feast, there is no need to thaw or rinse before feeding and no need to throw away left over thawed feed.