Littorella Uniflora Tissue Culture


Littorella Uniflora

Common Name: Shoreweed

Littorella Uniflora, commonly known as “Shoreweed,” is an easily recognized low-growing aquatic plant that grows in freshwater shores across Europe, from Iceland to the Black Sea. It is a great foreground plant, or as a lawn in the fore or middle of an aquarium. It grows slowly, and tolerates low light. However, lower light will tend to add to the length of its leaves, so if you’re looking for a grass-like, lawn effect in the foreground, you should increase the light intensity.

Each rosette should be planted an inch apart, and each one will quickly send out runners. These will lead to a carpet/lawn of fat and fleshy leaves, which grow to between 1.2-2” in height, and .04-.12” in width after about two months. Keeping the planting spacing of about one inch allows the leaves to fill in well as a lawn.

As mentioned, this plant does well in low light, and in a low Co2 level. It can grow submerged or emersed.

Littorella (Genus Name)

Family Name: Plantaginaceae

Origin: Europe

Height: 1.2-2”

pH: 5-8

Care: Low

Light: Low

Co2: Low

Propagation: Runners, splitting, cutting off daughter plants

Growth rate: Slow