Madagascar Lace Plant


Florida Aquatic Nurseries grows Aponogeton madagascariensis.  The Madagascar lace plant, as it is commonly known, is one of the most ornate of all aquarium plants.  Aponogeton madagascariensis is an aquatic plant native to the island nation of Madagascar.  Aponogeton madagascariensis is an excellent aquarium plant with readily recognizable, distinctive dark green net-like leaves.  Newer leaves are sometimes a bronze color and darken with maturity. Aponogeton madagascariensis are bulb plants and will sometimes go dormant. Just be patient, leave the plant in position, and continue with excellent over-all care of the aquarium.  New leaves will begin to sprout in time.  A dry rest period is not recommended for this plant.  Consistently excellent aquarium conditions with good water flow, and regular supplementation with a complete aquarium fertilizer will keep the plant in the best long-term health.  It is a very large plant at maturity and a heavy feeder.


Common Name:      Madagascar Lace Plant

Family Name:            Aponogetonaceae

Native To:                  Madagascar

Lighting:                    Medium

Requirements:           Soft to medium water hardness, nutrient rich substrate, CO2 is helpful                     

Growth Form:             Bulb

Growth Rate:              Medium

True Aquatic:              Yes

Placement in Tank:    Mid - Background, focal point plant

Available As:               Bare Root and Bulb